Starting out on Halo 2,we set ourselves aside from all other gaming groups and their ways of gaming.We started with a pen and paper; to a windows page, to an official .com domain @,, then and here we continue our legacy.
We are on mostly first person shooter/military games,but can be found just about everywhere.
We do not put ourselves on a higher platter than other members as to who is a better gamer,we are a team and if another member/gamer gets more points then the other well that''s fine because its all good for our team, period.But we can offer and/or take help to be a better gamer from another member or to another member with no offense intended.
We are humble people who tend to joke with each other just as any family does.
We are a positive movement in constant motion,to better ourselves as gamers & people alike in our gaming experience and if need be also in life.We are a clan of many squads & branches.We are leaders amongst leaders who follow our own steps.We are a mature,respectful type that welcome new members with open arms into our community and friends list.We respect; to get respected as we aspect it in return.We are of some that come from the ghetto,slum or hood who fight the lively reality to survive in life and also to make a change and be around for our families sake.We are some who come from the burbs,mid or upper class fighting our through college.We are fighting to get to the top.We are real with a sprinkle of imaginary,with great imagination.We are a tight gaming family.We are against those who attack the minorities in race.We are your best friend or your worst nightmare.We are competitors.We are a team that functions as one,but still a team.We are people with day to day stress who just wanna get away to be free and have a good time with out having to leave home and spend money.We are parents,adults,young adults,teens,pre-teens and kids at heart.We are an entity.We are mexican,white,black,asian,mestizo/mixed,arab,etc. No offense but, this clan will stay alive and keep on moving with or without you,to give the next gamer the chance to grow with us,"who know's what the future holds".
We are gamers,a gaming family/community, WE ARE THE 510 BAY ORGANIZATION ! - Clanning since 2007
11/23/12 a new beginning... "OTSG" |